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The comprehensive school counseling program at Durham Community School utilizes mindfulness practices and teaches students essential Social Emotional Learning (SEL) skills.  This comprehensive program supports students socially, emotionally, academically, and helps to develop career aspirations. 


The school counseling services that are offered are aligned with the American School Counselor Association (ASCA) Mindset and Behaviors standards.

Lexie Triggiani

M.Ed & RYT

& Resources

School Counseling

Mindfulness in schools


The benefits and research the supports the use of mindfulness and yoga in schools.

25 mindful activities for children


Practice mindfulness at home and at school.



Classroom Guidance
Individual Sessions

Mrs. Triggiani visits Pre-K -6 classrooms throughout the school year to deliver guidance lessons that include mindfulness practices.


Services are provided to individual students based on their social /emotional, academic, and behavioral needs. This is offered as short term support for students. 

Small Groups

Small groups are offered to students who need additional social/emotional, academic, or behavioral support and who would benefit from a small group setting. 

​Mindful Parenting



A guide to understanding your child’s emotions.



1654 Hallowell Road, Durham, Maine 04222

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